News, Stories & Updates

Day of Mourning image
Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job
MoveUP member speaks out on being locked out by Kelowna Cabs
Kelowna Cabs violated labour code through “coercive and intimidating” action against worker
MoveUP President statement on anti-Asian violence in Atlanta
Petition: Tell Kelowna Cabs to end the lockout of workers
Addressing mental health and the loss of members of our family
MoveUP supports call to lower B.C.’s voting age to 16
Locked out by Kelowna Cabs, MoveUP members standing up for local jobs
Brian Martens elected to Executive Board
MoveUP calls on Kelowna Cabs to rescind lockout, respect workers and community
MoveUP members on Family Day 2021
Celebrating Chinese (Lunar) New Year
A red umbrella lying in sand
MoveUP supports petition e-3132 to repeal Bill C-36
Union reaches tentative agreement with VantageOne
A message from President David Black marking Black Shirt Day
Union to temporarily pause strike action at VantageOne during holiday season
A red umbrella lying in sand
A message on the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers
Workers begin rotating strike at VantageOne Credit Union
2020 Ardell Brophy award winner
MoveUP condemns whitewashing of residential school experience