Fund Transit NOW!

We must ensure our healthcare and other depended upon front-line workers, and the most vulnerable in our society, can get to where they need safely, affordably, and conveniently.

Collage of MoveUP members in their workplaces

Together we are creating a better life for ourselves, our families and our community.

Join over 13,000 people like you — working in public and private sector jobs in finance, transit, IT, transportation, Crown corporations, security and other office and professional sectors  — and enjoy the benefits of our collective strength.

Find My Workplace / Collective Agreement

Type your employer name to find your collective agreement, your union representative(s), or the latest workplace bulletins.

Wrong Way Bonny's Taxi
MoveUP calls on Bonny’s Taxi to reverse layoff notices, stand up for Canadian jobs
Image of Earth in space with words "Earth Hour March 22 2025" above it
Environment Committee: 2025 Earth Hour Challenge
Alycia Guile and Kelly Cammack holding up raffle tickets for a prize draw
Environment Committee promotes sustainability at Job Steward Seminar
Nadine Brooks
Nadine Brooks honoured as recipient of 2025 Ardell Brophy Award
Welcome to MoveUP sign

Join MoveUP!

You deserve someone on your side. MoveUP can help you and your fellow workers get fair wages, benefits and job protection, and eliminate discrimination, harassment and intimidation in the workplace. 

Text “MOVEUP” to 90993 to learn more about joining our union.

Read the latest edition of our Local Voice!

Our Spring 2025 Local Voice, published March 5, gets our members prepared for a looming federal election call. Also featured is a profile on Brenda Chu, our secretary-treasurer, and much more!

Local Voice Spring 2025 cover