The Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) is a provincial Crown corporation established in 1973 to provide universal auto insurance to B.C. motorists. The Corporation is also responsible for driver licensing, vehicle registration and licensing. MoveUP has represented employees at ICBC since 1974.
Job Evaluation
Job Evaluation is a rating process used to measure the skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions involved in carrying out the duties of a particular job classification.
ICBC Job Evaluation Appeals Officers:
Paul Dournovo, pdournovo@moveuptogether.ca
Yvonne Thompson, ythompson@moveuptogether.ca
Harassment Advisors
Harassment Advisors are available to assist with your options under Article 28.
Harassment Advisors:
Bridget Hughes, bhughes@moveuptogether.ca
Workload Coordinator
Herbert Magana, hmagana@moveuptogether.ca
Concerns about excess or imbalanced workload in the claims division at ICBC can be elevated through formal workload complaints. The Workload Coordinator assists workload committees as they elevate their concerns, make recommendations, and find solutions to the concerns of claims employees. Employees in the following departments may complete a workload complaint form and attach supporting documents. This process is outlined in LOU 18 and covers the following departments:
- Claims legal services
- Adjusting services
- Claims Contact Centre
- Injury services
- Claims administrative services
- Material damage
- Recovery services
Extended Health and Dental
Article 18 of our Collective Agreement describes the various coverages and limits of our medical and extended health, dental, life and disability benefits. Sun Life is your extended health and dental provider. Visit mysunlife.ca or call 1-866-896-6976 (Monday to Friday, 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT) for more information.
Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP)
Employee and Family Assistance Program is with Morneau Shepell. To access this program please call 1-866-395-9191.
Sick Leave and Return-To Work
Information to come.
Long-term Disability (LTD)
Questions or concerns about LTD claims can be directed to Yasmin Carroll at 604-299-0378 or 1-800-665-6838 or click here to email.
ICBC’s pension service centre can be reached at 1-866-598-5614.