
MoveUP Women's Rights Committee Meeting

MoveUP has several union standing committees that work in specialized areas to make policy recommendations, engage members, organize events, strengthen our union, and protect members’ rights in the workplace.

Committee members are appointed for three-year terms, following each triennial convention, by the President, in consultation with the Executive Board, and with approval of the Executive Board and Executive Council.

If you are interested in more information, or in participating in one of the following standing committees, please contact the union office.

Co-chairs: Rysa Kronebusch, Dimitri Ossinsky, & Christy Slusarenko 

The Advisory Committee deliberates on matters of business or policy referred to it by the Executive Board, Executive Council, or the general membership.

Co-chairs: Rysa Kronebusch, Dimitri Ossinsky, & Christy Slusarenko

The Arbitration Review Committee provides oversight on potential arbitrations and decides whether or not the local should take the case to arbitration.

Chair: Norm Stickelmann

The Audit Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities by reviewing the financial information that will be provided to the Executive Council, members and others; and all audit processes.

Chair: Brenda Chu and Brian Martens

The Constitution & Bylaws Committee undertakes periodic reviews of our constitution and by-laws and recommends changes as needed.

MoveUP Constitution, Bylaws & Policies

Co-chairs: Rysa Kronebusch, Dimitri Ossinsky, & Christy Slusarenko

The Education Committee assists in union education in accordance with the policy approved by the Executive Board and Executive Council. The Committee decides what education and training programs our union needs and organizes the programs.


Learn more about MoveUP scholarships on our Resources page.

Other Resources Education Resources

Co-chairs: Rysa Kronebusch, Dimitri Ossinsky, & Christy Slusarenko

The Electoral Committee periodically reviews the membership lists in each employer workplace unit and makes recommendations to the Executive Council to ensure Councillor representation reflects the changes occurring in the membership.

Sixty (60) days prior to the opening of nominations in an election year, the Electoral Committee re-examines the Councillor representation and electoral districts and, if required, recommends changes for the forthcoming election. Around the same time, the Electoral Committee establishes the monthly membership averages for the preceding calendar year for the purpose of the forthcoming elections.

In recommending Councillor representation or changes thereto, the Electoral Committee employs such criteria as group, section, region, department, geography, historical relationships or other criteria as determined by the Executive Council.

While attempting to promote as fair and equitable representation on Council for members in each bargaining unit, the Electoral Committee uses as a guide the numerical ratio of approximately one (1) Councillor for each 85 in each employer bargaining unit and the combined membership group.

Co-chairs: Kelly Cammack and Alycia Guile

Board Liaison: Rysa Kronebusch

The Environment Committee advocates for the environment and its sustainability to our union, its members, and society in general.

Click here to learn more.

Co-chairs: Alycia Guile, Brian Martens, Alysha Morris

The Events & Social Planning Committee organizes social functions for participation of members and their families to encourage friendships and fellowship across different workplaces within MoveUP.

For a full listing of upcoming events with MoveUP, visit our Events page.

Chair: Rysa Kronebusch

The Health & Safety Committee addresses health and safety matters pertaining to all MoveUP members.

For more on Health & Safety, visit our Occupational Health & Safety resources page.

Click here for the Occupational Health & Safety Written Recommendation Form (fillable PDF).

Co-chairs: Brenda Chu and Christy Slusarenko

The Human Rights & Multicultural Committee represents persons of colour, First Nations, 2SLGBTQIA+ persons, and persons living with disabilities. The committee ensures that MoveUP members are made aware of pertinent human rights issues (including international human rights, 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, Indigenous rights, and harassment), and monitor the effects on contract language (i.e. seniority rights, training, employment equity, etc.) on the rights of all members. The committee is also committed to growing and strengthening our union’s relationship with multicultural communities, both in and out of our union’s membership. 

Click here to learn more.

Co-chairs: Rysa Kronebusch and Annette Toth

The Political Action Committee participates and assists the union in all aspects of political activity to protect and advance the objectives of our union.

The committee also works to educate the members of the importance of the Local being involved in the political process, and encourages and educates the members to participate, either as candidates or volunteers, in all levels of political activity.

Political Organizations:

Chair: Christy Slusarenko

The Women & Gender Rights Committee works to reach out and engage women, non-binary, and gender-fluid individuals and to empower, mobilize and build capacity through mentoring, educating, advocating, and raising awareness of all issues that affect women globally.

The Women & Gender Rights Committee warmly encourages members within each bargaining unit to join the committee and/or submit their recommendations.

The committee campaigns for the support of union officials and representatives, for the aims and programs of the Women & Gender Rights Committee, and encourages women, non-binary, and gender-fluid individuals in the various bargaining units to press for favourable contract clauses and review existing clauses for gender discrimination.

Chair: Alysha Morris and Dimitri Ossinsky

The Youth Action Committee works to promote the involvement of young workers, 35 and under, in the labour movement through education and activism.

Click here to learn more.