News, Stories & Updates

MoveUP delegation at BCFED Convention standing and applausing
Recap: 2022 BC Federation of Labour Convention
Transgender Awareness Week
Transgender Awareness Week
Stop Bullying, Support education workers in Ontario
MoveUP Stands in Solidarity with Ontario Education Workers
A bee pollinating a flower
Buzzing with delight: A positive bee development
Collage of photos of MoveUP members showing off their BC Lions fandom
BC Lions playoff tickets contest winners!
MoveUP logo on a waving flag
MoveUP statement on incident involving Burnaby RCMP
Congratulations survey prize winners
Member survey prize winners
David Eby at a podium
MoveUP endorses David Eby for leader of the BC NDP
Welcome to MoveUP Victoria Bug Zoo workers
Workers at Victoria Bug Zoo join MoveUP union
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation September 30. Indigenous drummer in background
A message on the 2nd annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
Jeff Bryant
MoveUP welcomes Jeffrey Bryant to Executive Board
Desk with laptop and coffee cup with text reading: Office Closures September 19 & September 30
Federal holidays and MoveUP office closures – September 19 & 30
Photo of Graeme Hutchison, Karen Crane, Christine, and Manijeh
Catching up with Karen
MoveUP volunteers and officers with CLC executive vice-president at Labour Day 2022
Photo Gallery: Labour Day 2022
MoveUP logo on a waving flag
A message from MoveUP on Labour Day 2022
Golfers and volunteers around the green at a golf course
Photo Gallery: 2022 Bob Derby Memorial Charity Golf Tournament
MoveUP union wins inflation increase for credit union workers
MoveUP volunteers at the Vancouver Pride Parade
Photo Gallery: 2022 Vancouver Pride Parade
Person wearing button that reads "women's rights are human rights"
MoveUP supports freedom of reproductive choice
Graeme Hutchison and Lori Mayhew posing for a photo
Thank you David, Lori and Graeme