Coast Mountain Bus & TransLink – Job Steward Meeting Reminder – October 25, 2017

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Please be advised that our upcoming Job Steward and Executive Councillor meeting is scheduled as follows:Date:      Wedesday, October 25, 2017Time:     9:30 amPlace:    MoveUP Office - Hemlock Room               #301 - 4501 Kingsway, BurnabyPlease RSVP to Lisa Jeffery by end of day Monday, October 16, 2017 in order for leave of absence requests to be sent to […]

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Coast Mountain Bus – Shift Trades

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Earlier this year we heard from some of you regarding ongoing concerns about restrictions on shift-trades. Specifically, we were told that members had been advised that in the event of shift-trades, both parts of the trade would need to be worked within the same pay period. We viewed this as unnecessarily restrictive, and brought the […]

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BC Transit – September Labour-Management Meeting

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On September 8 your Union met with the employer for a Labour-Management Committee meeting. Attached you can find a summary of the items discussed for your information.Please feel free to contact me or your Job Steward if you have any questions. Our next Labour-Management meeting will be on November 17, 2017.In solidarity,Stephen Von SychowskiUnion Representative

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Coast Mountain Bus – Training Program

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Your union recently met with the employer to continue our ongoing discussions regarding the establishment of a training program in the Transit Security department.Recently this process has been put on the backburner while the parties discussed the changes to Appendix “S” and Letter of Agreement S3, which were recently ratified. Prior to this, a joint […]

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Coast Mountain Bus – United Way Campaign

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MoveUP is proud to partner with the United Way of the Lower Mainland (UWLM) and several of our employers, including CMBC, for the annual workplace giving campaign. The UWLM’s work helps make our communities stronger by helping kids to thrive at school, getting low-income people healthy, nutritious food, and reducing seniors’ isolation. We’ve worked with […]

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Update on SR Day Grievance

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It has been brought to our attention that some members were not receiving our bulletins on their work email address. We discussed this with the TransLink Service Desk and we were told that the Employer created a rule which was blocking our communications. The rule has been removed and we have been ensured that these […]

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Vote for your Preferred Sign-Up Frequency

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As you know, the MoveUP members in the Transit Security Department  recently ratified a series of changes. Among these changes was the amalgamation of the General Security Patrol (GSP) and General Investigations Officer (GIO) positions into a new Transit Security Officer role.As a result of this, all former GSP and GIO staff will now be […]

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Changes to Appendix S, Letter of Agreement S3 – REVISED

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Recently your union has been in discussions with the employer with regards to possible changes to Appendix S and Letter of Agreement S3. As you may have heard, these changes involve the possibility of amalgamating the GSP and GIO roles, as well as amendments to the currently existing work schedules.The parties have now reached a […]

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BC Transit, Coast Mountain Bus & TransLink – Job Steward Meeting Reminder – September 11, 2017

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Please be advised that our upcoming Job Steward and Executive Councillor meeting is scheduled as follows:Date:      Monday, September 11, 2017Time:      9:30 amPlace:     MoveUP Office - MacPherson Room                #301 - 4501 Kingsway, BurnabyWe will be having a guest speaker from our new EFAP provider come and explain their […]

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