
Completion of Stand-By Banks

January 9, 2018

TO: All TSO’s and SOC’s at Transit Security

As you are likely aware, the recent changes to working hours and schedule in Transit Security mean that stand-by banks will no longer be required. As a result, the parties agreed to zero-out the stand-by banks and then eliminate them going forward. For members who were owed hours, they would be paid out the requisite amount. For those who owed hours, the employer was to discuss with the member and make satisfactory arrangements. Unfortunately we have been notified that, in error, the banks were reconciled without those conversations first occurring. If you have concerns about the reconciliation of your stand-by bank you are encouraged to bring them to the attention of your supervisor. If your concerns remain unresolved then you should seek the assistance of a job steward.

In solidarity,

Stephen von Sychowski
Union Representative

File Number: 18-CMBC-BLTN-Completion of Stand-By Banks-January 9
Union Label: SVS:lj-usw2009


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