National Aboriginal Day Celebrations

June 21 is National Aboriginal Day, first proclaimed in 1996 as an occasion for First Nations peoples to share their rich, diverse traditions and cultures with family, friends, neighbours, and community members.

Across Canada First Nations, Métis and Inuit people will gather to celebrate and share in community events in honour of the day. I hope you’ll consider attending an event in your area.

Oppenheimer Park Aboriginal Day Celebration – Theme: Kindness, Sharing, and Respect
Saturday, June 18 – 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Oppenheimer Park, 400 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC
Features children’s entertainment, storytelling, macaroni & cheese with buffalo hamburger, drumming & singing with Sitting Still Thunder Drum Group.

June 18, 2011 – Noon – 6:00 PM
Clearwater Elks Hall, Clearwater, BC


June 21, 2011 – 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM
3310 Comox Road (I-Hos Gallery), Courtenay, BC

Contact: Ramona Johnson – 250-339-7702
Web Page: I-Hos Gallery or!/event.php?eid=111540592256737

June 21, 2011 – 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Tke’mlups – Annex Building, Suite 200 – 355 Yellowhead Highway, Kamloops, BC

Contact: Chief Shane Gottfriedson – 250-828-9700

Tuesday, June 21 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Oppenheimer Park, 400 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC
Contemporary performances, teepee stories, medicines, community tables, traditional food, letting go ceremony. For more information on the Oppenheimer Park events call Sandy at 604-253-8830

Tuesday, June 21 from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Rocky Point Park (Murray at Moody St), Port Moody, BC
All are welcome to this traditional pow wow and drum circle. Park seating so bring a blanket or lawn chair.

Tuesday, June 21, 7:00 PM to 11:30 PM
Family Dance at the Kispiox Community Centre, Kispiox BC

Please bring your family and invite your friends. All children need to be accompanied by parents or caregivers. Please note this is an alcohol and drug-free event.

For more information call Laureen at 250-842-5248, ext. 226.

Thank you,
David Black
President, MoveUP

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