wind turbines in a field

MoveUP supports BC Hydro call for power

BC Hydro has been stepping up with several calls for the expansion of electricity generation in BC to ensure that we have clean, affordable electricity. This move is essential to our economy for many reasons, including creating jobs that generate the electricity that is vital for people and businesses to thrive.

“As the demand for more and more energy grows, BC is building a stronger energy grid to power homes, businesses, and vehicles,” said Graeme Hutchison, MoveUP President. “MoveUP is proud of our members who work every day to provide affordable energy that is powering communities across BC.”

As BC continues to expand and grow, more and more electricity will be needed.

“We believe that BC Hydro’s expertise and resources in the electrical field can play a vital role for developing more generation facilities,” added Graeme.

“We understand that the present call is directed to private sector developers, but we also want to see BC Hydro stepping up further with more if its own public projects,” said Rysa Kronebusch, MoveUP Vice-President, Utilities. “Our members at BC Hydro have amazing skills and the expertise that are crucial to building our provinces electrical systems.”

MoveUP supports BC’s electrical expansion and will continue our diligence as we work with the BC government to ensure that the public power that we generate is clean, affordable, and supports workers and communities all across BC.

“MoveUP members work every day to keep the lights on, the heat on in the winter and help cool down our homes, schools and offices in the summer,” added Rysa. “BC’s expansion of electricity generation is providing the fuel we need to live, and is creating good-paying unionized jobs.”

Click here for more information on BC Hydro’s call for new clean electricity to power BC’s future.

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