Port of Vancouver

COPE SEPB condemns binding arbitration order for port workers

COPE SEPB National President Annette Toth has released the following statement regarding the binding arbitration for port workers by the federal government:

“COPE SEPB, along with our locals from across the country, are deeply disturbed by Labour Minister Steven MacKinnon’s imposition of binding arbitration to end the lockouts at the ports in BC, Montreal, and Quebec City.

“This action fundamentally strips the port workers of their right to achieve a fair agreement that recognizes the value of their work and their contributions to our economy.

“The only way to reach a fair and sustainable deal is through good-faith negotiations.

“By making this decision, the federal government has demonstrated they don’t stand with working people. We urge them to reverse their decision and allow the port workers to get back to the bargaining table in good faith.”

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