BC Wildfires: Our Thoughts Are With Those Affected

As the news reports, tweets and posts flood in about the wildfires raging across B.C., our hearts are with our affected members, their families, friends and communities. It’s frightening and stressful. We hope everyone affected is finding refuge somewhere safe.

For those of you facing an evacuation order, or those who have been ordered to evacuate and are now displaced, please know that you are in our thoughts. Stay safe. If there is heavy smoke in your area, be extra vigilant about your health and breathing. This is a dangerous time, not just for those near the fires but also for those facing air quality issues quite a distance away.

As we think about the people and animals affected by the wildfires, we also extend our deep gratitude to the hard-working fire fighters, first responders and emergency services personnel who are risking their own lives to save lives and get these fires under control. Some of our members serve as volunteer fire fighters and we want to thank them for their service.

Many of our members at Crown corporations, utilities, in transportation and at many other worksites are working extra hard to be sure that British Columbians are still getting the services they need.

To see if your community is under an evacuation order, or if the order has been cancelled, visit here: http://www.emergencyinfobc.gov.bc.ca/.

If you want to make a donation to help support those  caught in this province-wide state of emergency, the Canadian Red Cross, is on the ground helping support evacuees and their families:


In solidarity,
David Black, President
Lori Mayhew, Secretary-Treasurer
Gwenne Farrell, Vice-President
Alicia Gallo, Vice-President
Annette Toth, Vice-President


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