Hastings Entertainment, Inc. – Bargaining Update #7

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The Union and the Employer met on September 21, 2017. The parties discussed what would be required on monetary issues to achieve a new collective agreement. The Employer communicated that they would need to meet with their principals. It was agreed the Employer will provide to the Union a comprehensive monetary proposal by October 9, […]

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Hastings Entertainment, Inc. – Bargaining Update #7

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The Union and the employer met on September 21, 2017. The parties discussed what would be required on monetary issues to achieve a new collective agreement. The employer communicated that they would need to meet with their principles. It was agreed the employer will provide to the Union a comprehensive monetary proposal by October 9, […]

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Request for Job Stewards at Hastings Entertainment Inc.

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MoveUP is seeking individuals who would be interested in taking on the role of Job Steward.As a Job Steward, you are the eyes and ears of the Union, and you ensure that the Collective Agreement is adhered to.Job Stewards provide important information, insight, and understanding to the Union Representatives and Executive.They also offer support, guidance […]

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Hastings Entertainment, Inc. – Bargaining Update #6

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The Union and the employer met on July 24 and 25, 2017 and had a productive session of bargaining. There were a few items signed off on and the Union provided the employer with its monetary package.On August 1st, 2017, Barry Hodson decided to retire and we wish him well. Brad Bastien, Senior Union Representative, […]

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Hastings – Bargaining Bulletin #5

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Your negotiating committee met with the Employer's representatives on May 29th and 30th, 2017, during which the parties made some tentative agreements and amendments to previously exchanged proposals. We were scheduled to meet again with the Employer on June 19th but instead met as a Union negotiating committee to review outstanding proposals. We still have […]

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Hastings – Bargaining Bulletin #5

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Your negotiating committee met with the Employer's representatives on May 29th and 30th, 2017, during which the parties made some tentative agreements and amendments to previously exchanged proposals. We were scheduled to meet again with the Employer on June 19th but instead met as a Union negotiating committee to review outstanding proposals. We still have […]

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HEI – Bargaining Update #4

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Please be advised that Union Representative Barry Hodson has been assigned to negotiate a new collective agreement for Hastings Entertainment, Inc.Dates have been secured to commence bargaining with your Employer. Negotiations will recommence on May 29th and 30th, 2017.Barry Hodson may be reached at the union office 604-299-0378, or by email at bhodson@moveuptogether.ca.In solidarity,Brad BastienSenior […]

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MoveUP Union Representative Assignment Change – Hastings Entertainment Inc.

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Please be advised that effective immediately, Cathy Hirani will be the primary Union Representative in charge of servicing the members at Hastings Entertainment, Inc. If any member has questions or concerns about a workplace issue, please contact the job steward in your area. Union Representative Cathy Hirani may be reached at the union office 604-299-0378 or […]

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