FortisBC & FortisBC-CSC Job Steward and Executive Council Meeting
Please be advised that the first FortisBC and CSC Job Steward and Executive Council meeting is scheduled as follows: Date: July 10, 2023 Time: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Place:…
Please be advised that the first FortisBC and CSC Job Steward and Executive Council meeting is scheduled as follows: Date: July 10, 2023 Time: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Place:…
As stated within your collective agreement, Article 9, there is the requirement for two union representatives to participate in this process, we currently have a vacancy we are looking to…
Following up on the bulletin sent out on April 3, 2023, a general membership meeting has been scheduled for the MoveUP members at FortisBC. The meeting details are as follows:…
As has been communicated in previous bulletins, in August of 2021 MoveUP applied to the BC Labour Board seeking an order that the FortisBC-CSC and the FortisBC bargaining units be…
On March 24, 2023, your bargaining committee launched its pre-bargaining survey, sending it to all home email addresses we have on record. Please check your home email for the bulletin…
Following up on the bulletin sent out on April 3, 2023, a general membership meeting has been scheduled for the MoveUP members at FortisBC. The meeting details are as follows:…
Your Union has heard that the membership would like more frequent communication, discussion, and updates. To facilitate this request, along with the job stewards we are suggesting having quarterly membership…
Your current collective agreement expires on June 30, 2023. This collective agreement will remain in effect until a new collective agreement has been bargained and ratified by both parties. Please…
Term ending April 30, 2026 Nominations are now open for all executive councillor positions as part of the MoveUP 2023 Triennial Executive Councillor election. Executive councillors, as per Article…
If you are receiving this email, it means you may have been identified as a MoveUP member who currently does not have an active Member Portal profile. This year is a…