Transit workers standing on a picket line with strike signs

MoveUP members stand in solidarity with CUPE 4500 members seeking a fair deal

MoveUP, the union that represents nearly 14,000 public and private sector workers including administrative and professional workers at Coast Mountain Bus Company and TransLink, stands in solidarity with members of CUPE 4500 who have engaged in job action and are on the picket line as of 3 a.m. this morning on Monday, January 22, 2024.

“Public transit is an essential part of everyday life for people in the Lower Mainland and it is workers who are integral to keeping the system running for commuters every single day,” said Christy Slusarenko, Vice-President of Combined Units at MoveUP. “Workers deserve to be fairly compensated for what they do, and our members are fully supportive of the members of CUPE 4500 and will not cross any picket lines they encounter at their workplaces.

“We urge the Coast Mountain Bus Company to return to the bargaining table and come to a fair agreement that recognizes the value and importance of the work that CUPE 4500 members do so that transit services can resume as soon as possible for commuters.”

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