a plastic bag filled with garbage

MoveUP Environment Committee: Clean Up Our Communities Challenge

Did you know that the very first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970? Over 50 years later, we still continue to celebrate this day.

Earth Day was the start of a global movement and it is showing no signs of stopping. In fact, we need this eco-friendly mindset more than ever to prioritize our natural world.

In celebration of this year’s Earth Day coming up on Monday, April 22, our MoveUP Environment Committee has a challenge for our members! We want you to take part in a month-long campaign to Clean Up Our Communities!

You can take part in litter clean-ups either individually or part of larger group actions. You will find many communities province-wide are organizing one-day events between now and the end of the month.

While the immediate climate crisis can elicit feelings of helplessness, direct action can empower communities to realize and make a difference. Even if it is just in our local neighbourhoods, small actions raise awareness of the importance of keeping our planet clean and healthy.

We want to see you and your family stopping litter from getting into our waterways and harming wildlife. Let’s make our neighbourhoods more welcoming for everyone by donning on a pair of gloves, using a litter grabber if you have one, and tidying up around us.

Inspired? Good! Show how you and your friends and family are taking action! Send in photos of your efforts to clean up your neighbourhood by submitting them at moveuptogether.ca/photocontest. Please make sure to write “Earth Day” in the Additional Information section.

The deadline to submit your entries is April 30. The winner will be announced in early May.

All entries received will be entered into a draw for $50 to be donated to a nursery in your community!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

Want to find an Earth Day Clean Up event? Check out some of the following events:

Lower Mainland
Surfrider Foundation
Oceanwise Shoreline Clean Up

April is Earth Month

Vancouver Island
Surfrider Foundation

Regional District of Central Okanagan Clean Up Month

Prince George
Spring Clean Up 2024

Earth Day Garbathon

Earth Day Community Clean Up

Thank you on behalf of all the members of MoveUP’s Environment Committee.

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