MoveUP endorses Connecting BC investment plan for public transit throughout BC

MoveUP is proud to endorse the Connecting BC report released by the BC Federation of Labour and the BC office of the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives.

The report is a comprehensive plan for investing in buses, rail, rapid transit and passenger ferries.

“MoveUP is proud to endorse the Connecting BC plan. This is exactly the roadmap we need to address the gaps that presently exist and allows us to build a world-class system that is equitable, affordable, and reliable for people who rely on public transit every day while bringing communities closer together,” said MoveUP President Graeme Hutchison. “This inspirational vision also ensures that our robust transit system will be delivered by unionized workers in good-paying jobs in communities across BC.”

The report sets out a 10-year plan for investing in public transit throughout BC, with a call for immediate action on three key priorities:

  • An inter-community express bus service connecting BC communities that were left stranded by the end of BC Rail passenger service and the departure of Greyhound;
  • Eliminating privatization throughout BC’s public transit systems to ensure better, more reliable services for riders, and fairer benefits and wages for transit workers; and
  • Extending the provincial government’s free transit program to cover all British Columbians 18 and younger.

You can learn more about the Connecting BC plan here.

You can also add your voice to support a modern, integrated, BC-wide vision for public transit by joining the campaign at

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