Main stage of the 2024 Convention

Convention 2024: Day 2 Recap

The second day of the 2024 MoveUP Convention began with a guest speaker who is very familiar with our union.

Greetings from Stephen von Sychowski, President of the Vancouver & District Labour Council

Before becoming President of the VDLC, Stephen was a union representative with MoveUP (where he currently remains on leave). He first became a MoveUP member when he joined Coast Mountain Bus Company.

Stephen spoke about how thankful he was for everything that our union had done for him through his journey from young activist to now president of the VDLC, and how pleased he was to see our union in good hands with strong leadership.

WATCH: Stephen’s greetings to Convention 2024

He also talked about the importance of voting in this upcoming provincial election because of the threat of cuts to our public sector that John Rustad and the BC Conservatives are threatening. He ended by encouraging everyone to get involved with their local labour council.

Greetings from Jagmeet Singh, leader of Canada’s NDP

Although he could not attend in-person due to important by-elections that are playing out across the country, Jagmeet Singh provided video greetings for the delegates at Convention.

Jagmeet started off by congratulating MoveUP on its 80th anniversary of becoming a certified union, and new president Annette Toth on her role. He spoke about the connected visions that MoveUP members have with the NDP, namely wanting people to have good jobs and wages so people can live a good life.

WATCH: Jagmeet Singh’s video message

He spoke about the inability of the ruling Liberals to make life affordable for people, including their inability to take on corporate grocers making record profits and corporate landlords that continue to jack up rents and renovict people. However, he made it clear that we cannot go back to the cuts that the Conservatives want including pensions and health care.

Jagmeet concluded by talking about the work of the BC NDP and the importance of supporting them in the upcoming provincial election.

Greetings from Sussanne Skidmore, president of the BC Federation of Labour

Sussanne gave plenty of praise to MoveUP in her speech, saying how visible MoveUP members and activists are always at different events, rallies and picket lines demonstrating solidarity with others in the labour movement. She thanked delegates for doing this important work because being part of the labour movement involves a lot of personal sacrifice.

WATCH: Sussanne Skidmore’s greeting to Convention 2024

As Stephen did in the morning, Sussanne also spoke about the importance of political action and how the gains that we have made as a movement could be put in jeopardy by a BC Conservative government led by John Rustad.

Greetings from Pierrick Choinière-Lapointe, Secretary-Treasurer of COPE SEPB

Pierrick shared information with delegates about our national union’s structure and its functions. He spoke about how the decentralized structure of our national union is extraordinary, but that we are the leading union in Canada on inclusivity thanks to the work put in by national president Annette Toth.

WATCH: Pierrick’s greetings to Convention 2024

Pierrick talked about some of the challenges that he sees ahead for our national union, including funding issues for the next national convention beyond the upcoming one in 2025.

He revealed that the theme for the 2025 national convention, which will be held in Winnipeg from June 2 to 6, will be: Building On Our Successes.

Greetings from David Eby, Premier of British Columbia

After being crowded by enthusiastic delegates during the lunch break, David Eby took the stage flanked by a number of current BC NDP MLAs and candidates in the upcoming provincial election.

The Premier thanked MoveUP members for all the work they do to serve British Columbians across multiple industries, including transit, BC Hydro, ICBC. He spoke in detail about the work being done at BC Hydro and ICBC, specifically, and how they are helping make life more affordable for people in BC, compared to what is happening in other provinces.

WATCH: Premier Eby’s speech at Convention 2024

He also noted how the labour movement in BC not only cares about their own members but everyone in the province, pointing to many examples of campaigns waged in support of workers’ rights and noting how BC now has the highest minimum wage in Canada compared to the lowest under the previous BC Liberal government.

Before taking questions from delegates, Eby reiterated the importance of making sure we don’t lose what we have gained which could happen if the Conservatives gain power and enact the cuts they propose.

The generosity of MoveUP members

At the Friday night dinner event it was announced that, thanks to the generosity of MoveUP members, a donation of nearly $1600 will be made to members of UNITE HERE Local 40 who have been on the picket line at Radisson Blu for three years.

Resolutions of note

The following resolutions were passed on Day 2:

  • MoveUP will call on public and private education providers to provide personalized education plans for all students (ED-1);
  • MoveUP will work to encourage and educate marginalized members to participate in either running as a candidate or volunteering in municipal, provincial, and federal elections (P-1);
  • MoveUP will call on the BC government to define 20 hours per week as the threshold for full-time benefits (R-5 Amended);
  • MoveUP will create a survey to all members who identify as non-male, asking specific questions around sexual advances, discrimination and intimidation (HS-2);
  • MoveUP will educate members on how to mitigate chronic pain and the contribution pain has to mental health (HS-3);
  • Constitution amendments CB-2 (VP elections) and CB-6 (general election timing)
  • HR-9 (hybrid meetings and recording) was brought back to the floor for reconsideration and defeated.
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