VantageOne Credit Union – Bargaining 101
Your union and VantageOne Credit Union will be heading to the bargaining table to negotiate a new collective agreement. I’m writing to offer a quick introduction to the bargaining process.…
Your union and VantageOne Credit Union will be heading to the bargaining table to negotiate a new collective agreement. I’m writing to offer a quick introduction to the bargaining process.…
Please be advised that there will be a membership meeting on Tuesday, May 28 at 5:30 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to offer an opportunity for you to…
MoveUP represents the office and call centre staff at VantageOne Credit Union. VantageOne is based in Vernon, B.C. They offer financial solutions to consumers and businesses.
During the absence of Sarah Melsness, Alicia Gallo will be the primary Union Representative in charge of servicing the members at VantageOne Credit Union.If any member has questions or concerns about a workplace issue, please contact your Job Steward. Union Representative Alicia Gallo may be reached at the union office 604-299-0378 or by email at Job Stewards:Please […]
MoveUP is proud to welcome the employees of the North Vernon Branch of VantageOne Credit Union to the Union.The steward contacts for these members are Erik Grebliunas ( and Kaitlin Schneider ( steward is your first point of contact for the Union and should be reached regarding questions about the collective agreement, your rights at […]