TST-CF Express – Ratification Meetings & Process
We are pleased to announce that your bargaining committee has successfully reached a tentative agreement with your employer, TST-CF Express, on a new collective agreement. A summary of the tentative…
We are pleased to announce that your bargaining committee has successfully reached a tentative agreement with your employer, TST-CF Express, on a new collective agreement. A summary of the tentative…
We want to inform you that your bargaining committee is scheduled to meet with your employer in Calgary from January 15th to January 18th. This marks our third meeting with…
Nous souhaitons vous informer que votre comité de négociation rencontrera votre employeur à Calgary du 15 au 18 janvier. Il s'agira de notre troisième rencontre avec votre employeur et notre…
Votre comité de négociation a rencontré votre employeur le 24 novembre 2023 via téléconférence pour échanger nos propositions respectives et de ce fait entamer les négociations. Les 6, 7 et…
Your bargaining committee met with your employer on November 24, 2023 via a Teams meeting to exchange bargaining proposals and commence negotiations. On December 6, 7, and 8 your bargaining…
Le 3 Octobre 2023, votre comité de négociation a lancé son sondage préalable à la négociation, en l'envoyant à toutes les adresses e-mail personnelles que nous avons enregistrées. Veuillez vérifier…
On October 3, 2023, your bargaining committee launched its pre-bargaining survey, sending it to all home email addresses we have on record. Please check your home email for the bulletin…
Votre convention collective actuelle arrive à échéance le 31 décembre 2023. Cette convention collective restera en vigueur jusqu'à ce qu'une nouvelle convention collective soit négociée et entérinée par les deux…
Your current collective agreement expires on December 31, 2023. This collective agreement will remain in effect until a new collective agreement has been bargained and ratified by both parties. Please…
As you know, we are heading into collective agreement negotiations with TST-CF Express. Your collective agreement is one of the most important documents between yourselves and your employer. It determines…