BC Hydro – Unpaid Overtime

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Are you working before and/or after your shift without claiming overtime?  Are you working through your coffee and lunch breaks?  Are you working from home after or before work?If the answer is yes, you are working overtime without being compensated.  As a result of this practice, many of you are essentially working for free. It […]

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BC Hydro – 2017 United Way Campaign Weekly Update

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We’ve already reached the second week of the campaign with two more weeks to go! MoveUP has been a strong supporter of the United Way for many years, and I encourage MoveUP employees to consider making a pledge by Friday, November 3, 2017. Collectively we can make a difference to our local communities.Please watch for […]

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BC Hydro – 2017 United Way campaign is almost under way!

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Hi, my name is Anderson Charles and I have the pleasure of being the MoveUP representative for this year’s BC Hydro United Way campaign.MoveUP fully supports the United Way and BC Hydro’s workplace campaign and has done so for many years. BC Hydro employees and Power Pioneers have raised more than 2.7 million dollars over […]

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BY-ELECTION RESULTS – Executive Councillor Area #1210

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EC Area #1210 represents members at BC Hydro at Cache Creek, Castlegar, Clearwater, Cranbrook, Golden, Invermere, Kamloops, Revelstoke, Salmon Arm, Shalath (Bridge River Gen), and South Slocan.Term Ending:  April 30, 2020This is to inform you that as a result of the recent by-election to fill executive council position #1210, nominations closed at 4:30pm on Thursday, […]

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BC Hydro: Arbitration on Employer’s Sick Leave Support Program Regarding Your Medical Privacy Rights

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MoveUP and BC Hydro met with arbitrator Wayne Moore on June 27th, 28th, and 29th, 2017 regarding the Union’s policy grievance on the new Sick Leave Support Program the employer introduced on May 1, 2015. Prior to the arbitration the parties were able to resolve some of the Union’s concerns on the Attending Physician Form (APS), […]

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By-Election Results – Executive Councillor #1204

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(EC #1204 is a position representing members at BC Hydro at Edmonds – Podium A).Term Ending:  April 30, 2020This is to inform you that as a result of the recent by-election to fill executive council position #1204, nominations closed at 4:30pm on Friday, June 16, 2017. Max Arthur was elected by acclamation.If you are interested […]

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By-Election Results – Executive Councillor #1215

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(EC #1215 is a position representing members at BC Hydro at Surrey LMS and Surrey LMS Lineroom).Term Ending:  April 30, 2020This is to inform you that as a result of the recent by-election to fill executive council position #1215, nominations closed at 4:30pm on Friday, June 16, 2017. Dustin Rahier was elected by acclamation.If you […]

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BC Hydro – Service and Design Assistant Pilot Agreement

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In June of 2016 your Union negotiated a Pilot Agreement with regard to the "musts" contained in the Service and Design Assistant job postings.  The previous requirement for applicants to have Electrical Fundamentals (EF), and Physics 11 was amended to provide the ability for applicants who did not meet the ‘Musts’ to be considered after […]

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Electrical Service Coordinator Trainee Program Pilot Agreement

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Your Union has been in discussions with BC Hydro management regarding the application of the "musts" contained in the Electrical Service Coordinator postings regarding the requirement for “Math 12, English 12 and Physics 11” in order to be considered for positions.We are very pleased to advise that a Pilot Agreement has been negotiated effective May […]

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By-Election Results – Executive Councillor #1206

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(EC #1206 represents members at Edmonds – Podium C01)Term Ending:  April 30, 2020This is to inform you that as a result of the recent by-election to fill executive council position #1206, nominations closed at 4:30pm on Wednesday, May 17, 2017. Dan Lawlor was elected by acclamation.Michelle MedeirosMoveUP Returning Officer

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