What’s the Bee’s Knees?

By MoveUP Environment Committee

Hi MoveUP members,

How you bee? It’s World Bee Day and it’s time to be in the know about these amazing little pollinators. In 2014, Slovania proposed that the United Nations (UN) proclaim May 20 – World Bee Day. However, it took three years before the UN adopted World Bee Day.

Do you know what’s the bee’s knees?

These little powerhouses are needed by almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of leading global crops depend on animal pollination.

In addition to being one of the major pollinators, thus ensuring food and food security, sustainable agriculture and biodiversity, bees significantly contribute to the mitigation of climate change and environmental conservation. In the long-term, the protection of bees and the beekeeping sector can help reduce poverty and hunger, as well as preserve a healthy environment and biodiversity. Scientific studies have proven that bees have become increasingly endangered.  It is only through joint efforts that we can ensure the protection of bees and their habitats.*

Bees are suffering from CCD and PMS! But, this PMS is so much worse, it’s Parasitic Mite Syndrome. You have probably already heard about Colony Collapse Disorder which consists of exactly what it sounds like. Entire beehives dying for non-specific circumstances. I wonder if pesticides could be a substantial contributor to this as I scratch my head. Let’s focus on how we can help the bee maintain frequent-flyer status. Plant some bee-friendly plants on your balcony, in your garden, community garden, or anywhere. Because you need to know, bees love the following: bee balm, strawberries, Lavender, Summer Squash, Cucumbers, White Clover, Marigolds, Cotoneaster, and Rhododendron to name a few.

Can you spot the Queen?

Image: University of Massachusetts Amherst


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