Join MoveUP

Do you work in the credit union industry? Click here to learn more about how MoveUP can support workers at credit unions.

Why Join MoveUP?

Image displaying the words "why join the movement?" and listing the benefits of joining our unionYou deserve someone on your side. MoveUP can help you and your fellow workers get fair wages, benefits and job protection, and eliminate discrimination, harassment and intimidation in the workplace. Joining MoveUP means you care about your colleagues and your work, and you want to make your workplace a better place for all. With MoveUP, it means you have a union’s support to push for:

  • A stronger worker voice in the workplace
  • Job security
  • Protection from workplace harassment

Joining a union in BC

Anyone can join a union in British Columbia. It is your legal right! And joining a union does not have to be complicated or scary. Joining MoveUP is the first step to improving your working conditions and making sure you and your co-workers can use your collective strength to make your workplace better. The first step is to get in touch with us. You can do so by filling out the form on the right sidebar (or at the bottom of this page of viewing on a mobile device), emailing, or by calling 604-299-0378 or 1-800-665-6838 and ask to speak to an organizer.

Joining a union is not hard!

The first step is to get in touch with an organizer at MoveUP and we will walk you and your co-workers through the process. They will be there to provide you with education and the tools you need to join MoveUP. All conversations are kept completely confidential, so you can get the information you need comfortably.

Am I allowed to join a union?

Absolutely! Joining a union is the right of every Canadian and is enshrined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms under Freedom of Association.

What happens when you join a union?

When you join a union, it means your collective voice in your workplace will be heard. MoveUP will help you bargain for a better deal. You and your co-workers tell us what your biggest priorities are in the workplace, whether it’s better wages, better benefits, or better work-life balance.

Do I need previous experience to join a union?

No experience is necessary to join a union! Whether you have prior union experience or not, MoveUP organizers will work closely with you to find the best approach for your unique workplace.

Is there any reason not to join a union?

Not at all! Many employers like to use scare tactics to intimidate workers who are trying to join a union, but when you signal your intention to join MoveUP, you are protected by the labour code during the organizing process. And if an employer tries to punish you for joining a union, that is illegal and your new friends at MoveUP will be more than happy to help you fight for your rights.

Which union is the best to join in BC?

British Columbia is home to many fantastic unions but, in our opinion, MoveUP is the best! MoveUP is diverse and has members in many industries in both the public and private sector. That diversity means we can use experiences from one industry to inform our approach in another so we can continually find innovative ways to improve working conditions for our members. Some of the areas we specialize in include office and administrative workers, credit unions and financial services, car rental agencies, insurance agencies, power generation, post-secondary institutions, and more!

Joining a union has benefits! If any of the statements below apply to you, it’s time to give MoveUP a call!

  • I am not getting fair wages for my industry.
  • I haven’t had a raise for a very long time.
  • The company is doing really well but employees are not sharing in the profits.
  • I feel insecure in my job even though I am a good worker. There are too many layoffs/firings for no good reason.
  • I am in a dead-end job with no chance for advancement.
  • My benefits (pension, health care, sick leave) have not improved in years (or I don’t have any benefits at all).
  • There is too much favouritism in my workplace.
  • I am not sure my workplace is a safe place to be. There are workplace hazards the employer refuses to address.

Through bargaining and working together, many of our members have secured:

  • Fair wage rates
  • Improvements to benefits (pension, dental, extended health, group life, etc.)
  • Job security and job opportunities
  • Fair overtime and procedures
  • Flex time
  • Improvements to vacation allocations and procedures
  • Sick leave with pay
  • Protection with workplace harassment

We fight for our members

Whether it’s advocating for human rights issues such as those for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community or transgender rights, combatting racism, supporting reconciliation efforts with Indigenous peoples, supporting survivors and standing against violence against women, or running campaigns to highlight the importance of our services like public power and public car insurance, our union has a strong history of standing up for our members and our communities. Learn more about our campaigns here.

Contact us now!

You can get in touch with us using one your preferred method below.

  • Text “MOVEUP” to 90993
  • Fill out the form on the sidebar (or below if viewing on a mobile device)
  • Email
  • Call 604-299-0378 or 1-800-665-6838 and ask to speak to an organizer

We treat all inquiries with the strictest of confidentiality. Your name, phone number, and/or email address are never shared. That’s a guarantee. Note: The form is intended for workers who do not presently have a union presence at their workplace. If you have been hired by an employer where MoveUP is already representing workers, please visit our information resources on how to set up a Member Portal profile or request your member number. You can also contact our Membership Department at for more information.