
Kelowna Cabs-Tentative Agreement Reached and Membership Meeting June 17

June 16, 2021

To: MoveUP Members at Kelowna Cabs

We would like to thank the members for your patience during the long process of collective bargaining during this round of negotiations. While we recognize labour disputes are never easy, the Covid-19 pandemic and employer initiated lock out only added to the stress and unrest you all were feeling.

We are happy to say that the parties have come to an agreement and we are looking to move forward with our relationship with you our members and the employer. In-order to do so, Vice Chair Matthews helped the parties involved agree to a tentative Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) found here. Most importantly for our members this means that upon a successful ratification vote the following will occur:

  1. The employer will end their lockout of our members and you will all be able to go back to work.
  2. Your union will withdraw the current unfair labour complaints with respect to bargaining.
  3. The Decertification Application of Certain Employees will also be withdrawn.

In addition, all members will receive a $250 signing bonus as negotiated by your bargaining committee prior to the lockout.  This signing bonus will be payable after the MOA is ratified.

As we hope to have this ratification vote held as soon as possible in order to get you all back to work without any further delay, we ask all members to create a profile on our Member Portal on our MoveUP webpage, please follow the directions here and email if you need to confirm your membership number or email Union representative Anny Chen at with any other issues.

Lastly, we will be holding a full membership meeting Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom to discuss the MOA and ratification process. We will be able to answer your questions on the process and hopefully address any concerns you may have on the labour dispute and the relationship between the union and membership going forward, we do hope you all are able to attend. To register please follow this link  here.

In solidarity,

Cindy Cressman, Job Steward
Anny Chen Union Representative
Scott Wilcox Union Representative
Christy Slusarenko Vice President Combined Units

Union Label: AC:sm-USW2009