Youth Action Committee

Two MoveUP young workers dressed in MoveUP gear

Chair: TBD

The Youth Action Committee works to promote the involvement of young workers, 35 and under, in the labour movement through education and activism.

Unions are at their strongest when members are engaged, and getting young workers active in our union is especially vital because they bring new ideas, enthusiasm, and diverse experiences.

Young workers will be our next generation of leaders, not only within our union but in the labour movement and in our society at large.

Our committee offers a multitude of opportunities for our young workers to become active in our labour movement, including attending the annual Canadian Labour Congress Pacific Regional Winter School and the annual BC Federation of Labour Young Workers Leadership Retreat.

We also have opportunities for our members to listen to guest speakers share their experiences, as well attend other labour affiliated events through a variety of local labour councils.

We hold regular meetings to discuss matters that impact young workers and set priorities for the committee.

We strive to empower each member to meet their specific goals, whether that be getting involved in our union’s leadership, stepping into union organizing, or exploring specific areas of workers’ rights that members are passionate about.

We welcome all young workers to join and participate at any capacity.

If you are interested in joining the Youth Action Committee, please send an email to: