
Enterprise – Membership Update

April 1, 2021

To: All MoveUP members at Enterprise

Your union would like to take this opportunity to address a couple of issues that have recently been brought to our attention.

There is a rumour floating around the worksite that your union has made an agreement with the employer that places a limit on the amount of members that will be recalled as the car rental industry recovers.  We want to make it perfectly clear that there is no truth to that rumour.  We have consistently taken the position that the employer needs to recall members as soon as possible in order to ensure that bargaining unit work is being done by bargaining unit members.

At this point, there is no reliable means of estimating when a significant recall will happen and how many members will need to be recalled.  We all see the vaccine rollout happening across the world and we also see the third wave of the pandemic causing issues.  There are simply too many unknowns at this point to make any reliable predictions about recall.  We have not had discussions about the number of recalls other than to advise the employer that we will be expecting recall to happen as soon as possible and that bargaining unit work is for bargaining members only.

Health and safety always needs to be a priority.  COVID-19 has certainly increased the focus on this issue as the virus presents a very real threat to everyone’s health if safety protocols are not followed.  All workers have a right to refuse unsafe work.  Further, raising concerns about unsafe work can not lead to reprisals from the employer.

Once an issue of potentially unsafe work is raised by a member there is a legal obligation placed on the employer to investigate the situation and determine if there is a risk.  If you are asked to do something at work that you think might be unsafe please raise the issue with a manager.  If you are uncomfortable doing that then let a job steward or your union representative (me) know.

MoveUP has created a resource page which provides information on COVID-19.  The page can be found here: Flatten the Curve

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Union Representative Shawn Lakusta at slakusta@moveuptogether.ca.

In solidarity,

Shawn Lakusta, Union Representative

File Number: 21-ENTERPRISE-BLTN-April 1
Union Label: SL/LJ: USW2009


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