
ICBC – Update Your Information: Personal Email Addresses and Phone Numbers

February 25, 2025

To: All MoveUP Members at ICBC

At MoveUP, it is our union’s responsibility to keep you informed, especially when we are in bargaining for a new collective agreement. To do so, we need to make sure we have your most updated personal contact information, including email and phone numbers.

Why can’t MoveUP contact us through our work email?

As you can imagine, information on bargaining is a sensitive matter. We are working to get the best possible deal for you, and there are some instances where we want to safeguard the information as best as possible and that means not sending it to a work email address where your employer may have access to it. That is why it is our policy not to send bargaining updates to your work email, only to your personal email.

I do not receive MoveUP bulletins to my home email. Why is that?

If you have not received any of our bargaining bulletins, there are likely three possible reasons.

1.     We do not have a personal email address for you, or the address we have may be incorrect.

The best way to check that we have your correct information is by signing in to your Member Portal account. If you have not yet created a Member Portal account, you can follow the guide here. You will need your MoveUP Membership ID number to create an account. If you do not know your member number, you can request it here.

The Member Portal is also where you will be able to vote to ratify your collective agreement when the time comes, so it is important for you to have an account set up.

2.     Our emails may be getting caught in your spam or junk folder.

If you have not been receiving emails from us but your email information is accurate, check your junk mail folder. If it is still not there, you may need to set your junk mail filter to ensure that any emails coming from a @moveuptogether.ca account are allowed. If you still do not receive any emails, follow the instructions in #3.

3.     You may have previously unsubscribed from our mailing list, or your email address previously bounced.

You may have chosen to unsubscribe from our mailing list in the past, in which case it means you would lose access to all emails from MoveUP including those related to bargaining. It is also possible that your email address bounced when we attempted to reach you (possibly because of an error or a mailbox size limit was reached), and our system automatically flagged your email as not valid.

To correct this issue, please fill out our Bulletin Resubscribe form. This will allow our staff to review your email address and try to correct the issue. You may receive an automated email from our system inviting you to click on a link to resubscribe in which case you should follow the prompt to get back onto our mailing list.

We want to make sure that when there is an important update, we can reach you and share that information. Please take the time to update your information with us so you can stay informed throughout the bargaining process.


In solidarity,

Sara Colliss, Union Representative
Dimitri Ossinsky, Vice-President, ICBC

File Number: 25-ICBC-BARG-Update your information: Personal Email Addresses and Phone Numbers-February 25
Union Label: SC:skm usw 2009


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