
Olameter readers are saying now is the time to join the union.

You make this company run. Who profits?

Frequently Asked Questions

Not unless you want to. You will vote on the changes to terms and conditions that you would like to see before negotiations happen. No terms will be forced on you that you don’t get to vote on.

In 2013, a province-wide union vote was held and lost by a margin of 9 votes. Because the jobs were new, some were uncertain or afraid. Since then, many meters readers many who voted ‘no’ last time have contacted us saying now is the time.

Union dues are 1.5% of your gross earnings. With MoveUP, you do not pay until you vote to accept a union contract. Dues are tax-deductible.

We know from the past that Olameter will attempt to hold all-employee meetings and will communicate to you that joining the union is not in your best interests with memos and emails. In the past, they have been found guilty of violating the BC Labour Relations Code during union campaigns. You can read the decision from the BCLRB here.

Stay strong and remember that the employer does not know who signs union cards or how many people are involved. The law is on your side and our union will pursue any violations of the labour code, as we always have.

No. Threats, intimidation and coercion are illegal and contrary to Section 5 of the BC Labour Relations Code. Our union considers all threats to be violations of the Code and will pursue them aggressively.

“A person must not refuse to employ or refuse to continue to employ a person, threaten dismissal of or otherwise threaten a person, discriminate against or threaten to discriminate against a person with respect to employment or a term or condition of employment or membership in a trade union, or intimidate or coerce or impose a pecuniary or other penalty on a person… because the person has made an application, filed a complaint or otherwise exercised a right conferred under this Code or because the person has participated or is about to participate in a proceeding under this Code”
– Section 5, BC Labour Relations Code

No matter what changes occur with the contract, FortisBC or the work, MoveUP will strongly advocate for your interests – you won’t be on your own.

Your safety is on the line

Being overworked leads to serious workplace injuries. In 2013, 35% of Olameter workers made accepted WCB claims against the employer*. This is triple the number made by our union members who were doing the same job the year prior at Accenture. Those workers had a union and an active health and safety committee working in their interests.

* Obtained by MoveUP from WorkSafe BC through Freedom of Information

Have You Had A WCB Claim?

As a member, you will have a professional representative to assist you with the process of making a claim and navigating the appeal process.

Examples of possible negotiated terms

Better pay, paid sick days, increased vacation time, route rotation, expenses, gear allowance, etc. – anything that you want to improve can be negotiated. There is no way to foresee the exact outcome of bargaining – but we never bargain backwards. You get the final say on the contract.

Every process along the way is democratic and worker-powered.

Sign a card today

Ready to join now? Sign the MoveUP union card now!

By signing below, you are submitting a formal union card to express your desire to become a member of our union. After signing the card, you will receive an email that will require you to verify your signature.

Can’t see the card, click here.

MoveUP represents 850 FortisBC Inc. and FortisBC Energy Inc. (Electric) employees across B.C.

Fairness. Dignity. Respect.