WAVAW Psychosocial Stressor Survey Results
June 29, 2021
To: All MoveUP Members at W.A.V.A.W.-RCC
In order to obtain more information about working conditions at WAVAW, MoveUP sent out a Psychosocial Stressor Survey to all WAVAW members on May 11, 2021, where 15 out of 33 members completed the survey. We have summarized the main findings of the survey, which can be read here. The redacted survey results and this summary have been shared with the OH&S Committee at WAVAW for review and discussion, with the ultimate goal of improving working conditions.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact Niki Schnurr at nschnurr@moveuptogether.ca.
Niki Schnurr, WCB Appeals & OH&S Representative
Cindy A. Lee, Union Representative