
WAVAW – Bargaining Update #3

June 19, 2018

To: All MoveUP Members at WAVAW

Bargaining Committee Meeting

We write to let you know that your bargaining committee will be meeting on Tuesday, July 3, 2018. This will be our first meeting as a MoveUP bargaining committee.  Your two representatives and your Union Representative will discuss the bargaining process and work on drafting a survey, this will allow you an opportunity to provide input on what you would like to see captured in the proposals that are brought to the bargaining table.

This will be first of many steps where we will be seeking your input and participation, and in doing so, we can not stress enough how important it is that we have the following correctly reflected on our membership data base:

  • Correct Spelling of your First and Last Name
  • Home Mailing Address
  • Phone Numbers – Home and/or Cell
  • Home email address

If we may please ask that the above information is sent to our membership department at the following email address, this will hopefully avoid any mishaps in you not receiving important information as we embark on the negotiating of your First Collective Agreement.

Please feel free to contact either your bargaining committee member or your Union Representative if you have any questions.

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

Natti Schmid
Ashely Teja
Cindy A. Lee, Union Representative

File Number: 18-WAVAW-BARG-BLTN-Update #3
Union Label: ks/usw2009


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