
Vancouver Shipyards – Collective Agreement Available Online

September 25, 2020

To: All MoveUP Members at Vancouver Shipyards

Due to some discrepancies with the interpretation of language, the publishing of Appendix F for the 2018 to 2023 collective agreement was delayed.

We’re happy to announce that those issues have now been rectified and Appendix F of the collective agreement between MoveUP and Vancouver Shipyards is now available on our website by clicking here.

Please take the time to review your collective agreement to ensure that you are receiving all the rights and benefits that you’ve fought to achieve.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your job steward, Jim Reith, or email me at ygarie@moveuptogether.ca.

In solidarity,

Jim Reith, Job Steward
Yudon Garie, Union Representative

Union Label: YG:sk usw2009


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