V.P. Credit Union Members Reject Tentative Agreement
March 5, 2021
To: MoveUP Members at V.P. Credit Union
Please be advised that the ballots were counted March 5, 2021 by the MoveUP Returning Officer.
The MoveUP members at V.P. Credit Union voted to reject the proposed terms of settlement.
The results are as follows:
Accept Proposed Terms of Settlement: 1
Reject Proposed Terms of Settlement: 3
Spoiled Ballots: 0
Total Ballots Cast: 4
We will be notifying the employer of the results and arranging a membership meeting the week of March 15 to update you on next steps.
In Solidarity,
Your Bargaining Committee:
Lisa Parans, Job Steward
Anny Chen, Union Representative
Scott Wilcox, Union Representative