TST-CF – Update on transition agreement for new members at TST-CF
December 6, 2021
To: All MoveUP members at TST-CF
This message is primarily for our new members based in Eastern Canada (Quebec and Ontario), but we wanted to include all our members at TST-CF Express so you all know the work we have been doing to support our newest members and to bring them into our collective agreement.
In early November MoveUP President David Black, along with union representatives Mike Novak and Nathan Beausoleil, met with our new members in Quebec and Ontario at their workplace. During the same trip, we also met with your employer on November 4th to negotiate the terms and conditions of the collective agreement, as well as wages.
While we did not have enough time to complete our negotiations prior to the end of our trip, we have been able to continue negotiations via video and have been able to find some common ground.
We are pleased to announce we have successfully negotiated the following:
- The general terms of the collective agreement now apply to all effective members, including rights related to seniority, scheduling, overtime, vacation entitlements, and benefits.
- 2% wage increase on your current salary effective January 01, 2022
- We have tentatively set dates in January and February to negotiate wages into the collective agreement for all effective members in Quebec and Ontario.
- Your union, as well as your employer, have agreed to schedule a meeting to discuss the benefits portion of this agreement with our members in Quebec and Ontario in December.
As part of our next phase of negotiations, we will be traveling to Toronto to have direct face-to-face meetings.
Thank you for your ongoing support and patience. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
For support in French, please email Nathan at nbeausoleil@moveuptogether.ca.
For support in English, please email Mike at mnovak@moveuptogether.ca.
In solidarity,
Mike Novak
Union Representative