
TST-CF – Union vote passes at TST-CF; Next steps for our members

June 18, 2021


We are pleased to inform you that the Canadian Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) has announced that our union vote has successfully passed. The final vote count is as follows:

30 in support of joining MoveUP
17 not in support of joining MoveUP

Is everybody who voted now a member?

For the most part, if you were eligible to cast a ballot whether you did so or not, regardless of how you voted, you are now a member of MoveUP.

The exceptions are for the following positions which the CIRB has excluded: Claims Department; Appointment Clerk, Dispatch; Payroll Coordinator; and Solutions Coordinator. Additionally, Executive Assistant positions and/or Assistant to Managers/Executives positions were also excluded.

If you are unsure of whether your position was included or not, you can email mnovak@moveuptogether.ca.

What happens next?

For existing members, your status does not change. You continue to enjoy all the benefits and conditions set out by the existing collective agreement.

For the previously non-members who are part of this process, we will soon begin to negotiate with your employer on transitioning all of you into the collective agreement in your appropriate job categories. This transition may take several weeks.

How can I make sure I get union information moving forward?

If you are an existing member, you can update your information on our Member Portal or create a new account.

For previous non-members, you will need to create an account on our Member Portal but not until we officially receive your employee information from your employer. Until that time, please send an email to mnovak@moveuptogether.ca so we can ensure you are on our list. You will be receiving a formal welcome to the union letter at which time you will be provided with information on creating a Member Portal account.

We thank all of you for your support throughout this process. We are now a stronger bargaining unit because of you, and we look forward now to representing members in Ontario and Quebec.

We will have more information shortly on scheduling a meeting to welcome our newest members.

In solidarity,

Mike Novak
Union Representative

File Number: 21-TST-CF-BLTN-Union vote passes at TST-CF; Next steps for our members-June-18
Union Label: km/usw2009


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