
TransLink – Tentative Agreement Reached – Bargaining Update #5

November 20, 2020

To: All MoveUP members at TransLink

Your bargaining committee has been hard at work at collective bargaining since March 2020. We sincerely appreciate everyone’s patience during this extraordinary time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We were pleased to see how quickly the members mobilized to meet the challenging circumstances with the COVID-19 pandemic. Your bargaining committee, despite not being able to negotiate in person with TransLink continued collective bargaining virtually.

We are very pleased to announce that we have reached a tentative collective agreement with your employer. Some highlights of the tentative agreement can be found here.

Your bargaining committee is strongly recommending ratification of the tentative collective agreement. The full details on the signed Memorandum of Agreement will be released to the membership shortly. We anticipate holding an online webinar where the entire bargaining committee will be available to answer questions from the membership. Details about the ratification vote will be communicated shortly. We will be conducting online voting for ratification due to the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee:

Safar Alikhani, Executive Board Member
Jennifer Froese, Executive Councillor
Parm Sandhar, Union Representative

File Number: 19-TRANSLIN-BARG-BLTN-Update #5-Tentative Agreement Reached-November 20, 2020
Union Label: PS/LJ: USW2009


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