
TransLink Bargaining Update #2

November 23, 2023

To: All MoveUP members at TransLink

Your bargaining committee would like to provide an update on negotiations. 

The parties met on November 2nd.  At that meeting a bargaining protocol agreement was signed off and proposals were exchanged. 

We meet on November 20, 21, and 22 in order to carry on the bargaining process. We are scheduled to meet on November 29 and 30 and December 1, 6, 7, 11, 13, and 14.  We are hoping these dates will provide us with time to reach an agreement.  If not then we will of course schedule further dates. 

The parties have both confirmed that the goal is to reach a settlement that both sides can comfortably recommend for ratification.  To that end, bargaining has been in good faith and productive.  We have reached agreement on housekeeping items and on several non-monetary items.  As is normal in bargaining the process gets more difficult as it moves along as the more contentious items start to hit the table. Both parties have expressed a willingness to tackle these issues and reach a fair collective bargaining agreement.   

Thank you to all members who have assisted with the bargaining preparation process so far and who have shown support for their bargaining committee.  As we move forward in bargaining, membership support plays an increasingly important role as we work to emphasize the needs of our members. If you have any questions, please reach out to a bargaining committee member.    

As mentioned, your bargaining committee is determined to bring back the best possible recommended settlement as quickly as possible.  We are hoping that we can complete the bargaining process and have something to present to the members before Christmas.  

In Solidarity,

Jen Froese, Executive Councillor

Safar Alikhani, Executive Board Member

Shawn Lakusta, Union Representative

File Number: 23-TRANSLIN-BLTN-Bargaining Update #2-NOV23
Union Label: SL:kb usw2009


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