
TransLink – Bargaining Committee Nominations

October 11, 2018

To: MoveUP Job Stewards and Executive Councillors at TransLink

MoveUP and TransLink’s collective agreement will expire March 31, 2019. Please be aware the agreement will continue in full force until a new agreement is negotiated and ratified.  Before this can happen, you must select your bargaining committee.

The bargaining committee will be comprised of 3 Job Stewards (which may be a combination of Executive Councilors and Job Stewards). Safar Alakhani, is automatically acclaimed to the Bargaining Committee as he is a Board Member. Your union representative will also sit on the committee to lead negotiations.

We need your voices at the table and your input into the process, so if you would like to sit on the committee, or if you would like to nominate one of your fellow Job Stewards, please step forward.

A nomination form is attached here.  Please return by 4:30pm Tuesday, October 16th.  In the event that there are more nominations then positions available, an election will be held.

In solidarity,

Parm Sandhar
Union Representative


File Number: 19-TRANSLIN-BARG-BLTN-Committee Nomination-October 11
Union Label: PS/LJ: USW2009