
Show your support for inclusive communities and come march with us on August 5 at the Vancouver Pride Parade

July 27, 2018

To: All MoveUP members in the lower mainland

MoveUP invites interested members to join us on Sunday, August 5, 2018 at the 40th annual Vancouver Pride Parade.

Join us as we walk together in solidarity of the LGBTQ2S+ community and demonstrate our commitment to creating communities that are inclusive to all.

We need you to help us celebrate and hand out fun swag to parade goers. Members are welcome to register themselves, family members and/or friends.

This is a fun event where we can demonstrate our commitment to equality. Every participant will receive a highly coveted MoveUP Pride t-shirt or tank top to wear and keep!

If you’re interested in joining us and want to come out for some fun, please respond to jbanfield@moveuptogether.ca. Please include the following details:

  • Number of people you will be bringing
  • T-shirt/tank sizes and male or female cut
  • Cell phone number of the main contact for you and your group
  • Indicate if you are available to help decorate the MoveUP float on Saturday

The Pride Parade provides an opportunity to have fun and show our continued support of the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer, and 2-spirit community. We hope you join us on August 5th.

In solidarity,

David Black, President
Lori Mayhew, Secretary-Treasurer
Gwenne Farrell, Vice-President
Christy Slusarenko, Vice-President
Annette Toth, Vice-President
MoveUP Table Officers

File Number: 18-MOVEUP-CMIT-HR&M-Show your support for inclusive communities - July 27
Union Label: jb:usw2009


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