
SALAL-Vacant Bargaining Committee Position

August 12, 2024

To: All MoveUP members at SALAL

Following the resignation notice from Laurie Buckley of Salal, there is now a vacant position on the bargaining committee.

To ensure that all employees, including those recently hired, have a chance to serve on the committee, we are seeking volunteers for this open position.  If you are interested in joining the bargaining committee, or for any inquiries regarding this position, please email dwong@moveuptogether.ca by 4:30pm on Wednesday, August 14, 2024 . Should there be multiple interested members, we will conduct an election to fill the position.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Laurie for her significant contributions and dedication during her time on the committee.  Your efforts are much appreciated, and we wish you the best with your new venture.

In Solidarity,
Dora Wong, Union Representative

File Number: 24-SALAL-BTLN-Vacant Bargaining Committee Position-August 12
Union Label: DW:hp usw2009


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