
Request for Job Stewards at Hastings Entertainment Inc.

September 12, 2017

To: All MoveUP members at Hastings Entertainment Inc.

MoveUP is seeking individuals who would be interested in taking on the role of Job Steward.

As a Job Steward, you are the eyes and ears of the Union, and you ensure that the Collective Agreement is adhered to.

Job Stewards provide important information, insight, and understanding to the Union Representatives and Executive.

They also offer support, guidance and assistance to fellow Union Members in the workplace.  

Becoming a Job Steward can be a very rewarding experience.

MoveUP supports our Job Stewards by providing regular training to assist with gaining the skills necessary to successfully fill your role.

The MoveUP website is also a good place to find information available to Job Stewards. (www.moveuptogether.ca).

If you think you would be a good candidate for this role, or have any further questions, please reach out to your MoveUP Vice President, Alicia Gallo at agallo@moveuptogether.ca.

In Solidarity,

Cathy Hirani
Union Representative

File Number: LF-HEI-AD
Union Label: CH:cm usw2009