
Reminder: All Job Steward Terms End April 2023

February 7, 2023

To: All MoveUP Job Stewards, Executive Councillors, and Executive Board members

Job stewards are an integral part of our union. The work you do to support your colleagues and our members is invaluable. We want to thank all of you who have served as job stewards over this past three-year term, whether you began right at the start of the term of joined midway through.

On March 17, 2023, you will have the opportunity to register to be re-appointed for another three-year term. A bulletin, including a registration form, will be emailed to all job stewards and executive councillors on that date.

We want to make sure that all of you receive this notice so please ensure your home and work email addresses are up-to-date by logging on to the MoveUP Member Portal and updating your information if necessary.

All job stewards who were appointed on or after May 1, 2020 will see their terms end on April 30, 2023. If we do not receive your registration by the deadline, you will be removed from the job steward list as of May 1, 2023.

Our job stewards occupy some of the most important roles in our union. They provide workplace leadership, information, insight and understanding, and share vital information about issues in the workplace with staff and elected representatives at the MoveUP office.

They offer support and guidance to their co-workers, keep little problems from becoming big ones, and help make the workplace function smoothly.

We are extremely grateful for your dedication to our union as a job steward over these past three years and we want to ensure you are with us for the next three years.

Please watch for the March bulletin and let us know if you have any questions.

In Solidarity,

Lori Mayhew
MoveUP President



File Number: 23-MOVEUP-ELEC-JS - Reminder: All Job Steward Terms End April 2023
Union Label: jb:usw2009


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