Reduced Work Week Leave (RWWL) Policy
March 23, 2018
To: MoveUP Members at TransLink
Your union is in receipt of an employer Policy dated March 12, 2018 titled Reduced Work Week Leave (RWWL) or “Y” Days. (attached here)
Your union has advised your employer that this Policy is in violation of the Collective Agreement and will be subject to the grievance/arbitration procedure.
The specific points in dispute are:
- Requirement to request full day of RWWL for medical and dental appointments when only a partial day is required.
- Requests to verify from a Practitioner confirmation of appointment dates, times, appointment changes or operational hours.
- Requirement to take RWWL Days in the pay period they are earned.
If you are asked to comply with any of the above requirements or have any questions or concerns relating to this Policy, please contact your Job Steward or Union Representative directly.
In Solidarity,
Cathy Hirani
Union Representative