
Re-Integration and Return to Work for FortisBC Members

September 14, 2021

To: All MoveUP Members at FortisBC

We are writing to let you know that we received notification from the company yesterday afternoon to discuss the possible return to work for the FortisBC members. Currently we are set to discuss the possible return to work, but currently have nothing new to report. We are hopeful that we will be able to have an understanding of what the company’s intent will be, and possibly negotiate an extension to the existing Telework Agreement set to expire on September 18, 2021.

We have received many emails in and around the possible return to work for FortisBC members and have noted the concerns being raised by the members, and we understand and empathize with all of them. However, the company owns the right to return employees back to the workplace, we do not have the right or the power to challenge this direction, as there is no language in the collective agreement that affords us with this ability. We have been successful in negotiating telework agreements up until now, which all started as a result of your union filing policy grievances to achieve that goal, and we will continue to do so as permitted by the collective agreement.

Once we have more information to share with you, we will let you know, but as of now, we are just in discussions.

We will apprise you of any developments as they arise.

In solidarity,

Cindy A. Lee
Union Representative

File Number: 21-FBC-B.TN-Re-Integration and Return to Work for FortisBC Members - Sept 14, 2021
Union Label: CAL/ks usw2009


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