
MoveUP Union Representative Assignment Change

December 12, 2017

To: MoveUP Members at Konica Minolta

During the absence of Sarah Melsness, Alicia Gallo will be the primary Union Representative in charge of servicing the members at Konica Minolta.

If any member has questions or concerns about a workplace issue, please contact your Job Steward.  Union Representative Alicia Gallo may be reached at the union office 604-299-0378 or by email at agallo@moveuptogether.ca.

For Job Stewards:
Please email any grievance forms to grievance@moveuptogether.ca to ensure both Rep and Admin receive documentation to go on appropriate grievance file.


In Solidarity,

Kevin Smyth, Senior Union Representative

File Number: LF: KONICA/ART 10
Union Label: KS:sl-usw2009


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