MoveUP Job Stewards: All Terms Ending April 2023
January 11, 2023
To: Job Stewards, Executive Councillors and Executive Board members
All job stewards who were appointed on or after May 1, 2020 will see their terms end on April 30, 2023. If you are a job steward you will soon have the opportunity to be re- appointed for another three-year term by responding to our March bulletin when it goes out. Executive councillors also act as job stewards and should also reply to the March bulletin.
Every three years, during the Triennial Elections, we ask all job stewards to formally re-confirm their interest in remaining as a job steward for a three-year term and to commit to fulfilling the roles and responsibilities of a steward.
Our job stewards occupy some of the most important roles in our union. They provide workplace leadership, information, insight and understanding and also share vital information about issues in the workplace with staff and elected representatives at the MoveUP office. They offer support and guidance to their co-workers, keep little problems from becoming big ones, and help make the workplace function smoothly.
A bulletin including a re-appointment form for you to complete, will be emailed to all job stewards appointed on or after May 1, 2020 as well as all executive councillors. Please ensure we have your current home email address by logging onto the MoveUP Member Portal.
Whether you are an executive councillor, running to be an executive councillor in the upcoming term, or job steward, you must confirm your interest in continuing as a job steward in order to be re-appointed. If we do not receive your submission, you will be removed from the job steward list as of May 1, 2023.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Please watch for the March bulletin and let us know if you have any questions.
In Solidarity,
Graeme Hutchison
Acting President