
Lu’Ma Native Housing Society – Bargaining Update #1

February 4, 2021

To: All MoveUP Members at LNHS


The Union met with Employer Representatives on January 27, 28, 29 and February 1 to conduct bargaining. The Parties have dealt with almost all substantive non-monetary proposals and are now in discussion on all monetary items. We are meeting again with the Employer on February 11 to continue discussions on monetary issues affecting our members, and hopefully finalizing a memorandum of agreement to bring to the membership for ratification.



Due to the ongoing pandemic, we will be conducting any ratification vote remotely via our member portal. You will need an up-to-date profile with current contact information including a personal e-mail address. If you have not already updated your member portal profile with current contact information, including a personal e-mail address, you can update us here.

If you are having difficulties updating your profile on the member portal, or you do not have a personal e-mail account, please contact me by email at to make alternate arrangements.

In solidarity,
Nathan Beausoleil, Union Representative
Tosha Lheritier, Bargaining Committee

File Number: 21-LNHS-BARG-BLTN-Bargaining Update #1, Feb 4, 2021
Union Label: NB/ks usw2009


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