
Konica Minolta – Voluntary Retirement Plan

June 12, 2020

To All MoveUP Members at Konica Minolta

On June 10, 2020, the employer approached your union about their voluntary retirement plan. The employer stated that economic hardship and uncertainty made them put this forward. Such offer requires the agreement of your union. We immediately reached out to obtain further clarification and requested particulars of this plan. Should your leadership team attempt to discuss this matter with you, please contact me at achen@moveuptogether.ca immediately.

Retirement is a life changing decision. In the event that you consider taking the employer’s offer, we recommend that you speak with a licensed financial planning professional and use the retirement checklist ( https://www.canada.ca/en/financial-consumer-agency/services/retirement-planning/retirement-checklist.html). Once we review the employer’s disclosure, we will send out another bulletin.

In Solidarity,

Anny Chen, Union Representative

Union Label: AC:sk usw2009


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