
KNHS: New Article 25 – Maintaining Labour Relations

August 24, 2018

To: All MoveUP members at Kekinow Native Housing Society

During the recent round of bargaining, the parties agreed to create a process in which the Employer and the Union will meet to discuss issues relating to your workplace. This new process has been included in your newly bargained collective agreement; once drafted and provided to you, can be found as new language under Article 25.  As reflected in the language, “the purpose of the Joint Labour Relations Committee is to promote the cooperative resolution of workplace issues, to respond and adapt to changes in the economy, to foster the development of work related skills and to promote workplace productivity”.

This new committee will be comprised of two Employer representatives, the Union Representative and up to two members appointed by the Union. As a job steward, Karen McCallum will automatically attend on behalf of the Union. Under the terms of the provision we are allotted two people to sit on the committee. We are looking for another member to volunteer and accompany the committee for the Union.  If you would like to learn more about your collective agreement and advocate for your fellow co-workers and attend these meetings,  please contact the Union by email at cpopeniuk@moveuptogether.ca or by phone at 604-473-3868.

The committee shall be meeting as the need arises, but no less than once every two months. Our first meeting is scheduled for 10:00 am on Wednesday, September 12, 2018 at Kekinow’s head office in Surrey.  In preparation for this meeting we request that if you have any questions or concerns regarding your workplace, you contact the Union or Karen McCallum prior to September 12th and we will address your concerns directly with your Employer.

We look forward to working with your Employer to develop an open and communicative relationship that will benefit both Union members and the Employer. We can only do this if we have your support and participation in the process.

In solidarity,

Cheryl Popeniuk, Union Representative

File Number: 18-KNHS-BLTN-Article 25 Labour Relations
Union Label: CP:sh usw2009


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