
**REMINDER** – May is Period Promise month : Support our campaign and help end Period Poverty

May 15, 2024

To: All MoveUP members

MoveUP is a proud supporter of the United Way British Columbia’s (UWBC) Period Promise campaign and, once again this year, we are asking for the generous support of our members to support this campaign whose goal is to remove financial barriers and ensure everybody who needs product can have access to it.

Our union’s Women & Gender Rights Committee has set up an online donation page. We are encouraging members and workplaces to come together and help us raise money for the UWLM to increase their buying power. For every $1 donated, the UWBC has $2 worth of buying power with suppliers.

If you are interested in organizing an event in your workplace or community, please reach out to MoveUP Vice-President Christy Slusarenko, Chair of the WGRC, by emailing cslusarenko@moveuptogether.ca. You can also visit the UWBC and head to the UWBC Period Promise web page for their toolkit and tips for a successful campaign.

About MoveUP’s support for the Period Promise

MoveUP has been a proud supporter of the Period Promise campaign since March 2017 in its early incarnation when the very first Tampon Tuesday event was held in BC.

Since 2017, the campaign has grown from being just one Tuesday a year to a month-long, province-wide campaign. While the size of the campaign has grown and advances in technology has allowed us to adapt and meet the challenges for product collection, the need for products continues to be great especially considering the COVID-19 pandemic. Through all this time, the goal to end period poverty remains.

In 2019, MoveUP became a signatory of the Period Promise Policy. Our union is committed to providing free products in our washrooms, while advocating for, educating about, and promoting this month-long campaign each year. We are very happy to be one of the largest union supporters of the campaign and will continue our efforts with the UWBC until the goal of eliminating period poverty is met.

Information will be sent out for our donation page closer to the start of the event, but it’s never too early to start the conversations to provide the facts on how our efforts can have a positive impact on the lives of so many just by helping them get access to free menstrual products.

Thank you for your support.

On behalf of your WGRC,
Christy Slusarenko, Chair

File Number: 24-MU-CMTE-W&GR -**REMINDER** - May is Period Promise month : Support our campaign and help end Period Poverty - May 15
Union Label: kp:USW2009


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