
ICBC Reminder: Webinar – Getting Back on the Road – A Safety Talk for Driver Examiners, Supervisors and Instructors – Tuesday June 16, 2020 6:30-8:00 p.m.

June 15, 2020

To: ICBC Driver Examiners 1 & 2, Supervisor Driver Examiners Units, Instructor Driver Examiners

We received the sudden news that road tests will commence for licence classes 1 – 4.  This announcement took all of us by surprise with its short notice. We understand this is because the increased pressure from businesses to get commercial road tests back up and running, persuaded the Attorney General to direct ICBC to start commercial road tests again.

We know that this is a difficult time for everyone, and you will have many questions and concerns about how all of this is going to work. In our ongoing effort to support you, hear your concerns and share information, we will be holding a webinar specifically for all Driver Examiners, Supervisors, and Instructors on Tuesday, June 16, 2020, from 6:30-8:00 p.m.  We hope you will make time to join us next Tuesday evening.

To register for this webinar, click here.

Sharing Your Concerns with ICBC

According to ICBC, only 5-6% of all road tests performed each year are in the higher-class licences. Since only class 1-4 road tests will be done right now, this will certainly help to reduce the number of road tests required as we start to get back to our regular work. However, we know that many of you are still worried about how you will remain safe from the spread of COVID-19. We share these worries and are meeting regularly with ICBC to get as much detail on the restart plan as possible. We are sharing your concerns directly with the driver licencing executives. If you have questions you would like us to ask ICBC’s senior management, please email us at ICBCbarg@moveuptogether.ca. We will endeavour to get the answers and provide them on the webinar.

Personal Protective Equipment Keeps Everyone Safe

From all indications, ICBC has developed a rigorous plan that will provide superior personal protective equipment (PPE) for driver examiners. They have developed a plan on how to train everyone with the proper techniques to put on (don), take off (doff), and use the PPE for its maximum effectiveness. Please take the time to learn and practice these techniques prior to next week’s start up. This is for your protection.

We want to stress that the use of PPE is critical, and no shortcuts should be taken, ever. We want everyone to be safe; you, your coworkers, your families, friends, and those in your ‘bubble’ along with the examinees and the bubbles of people in their lives. As British Columbians, we have done an amazing job of flattening the curve in the spread of COVID-19. Proper and judicious use of your PPE, washing your hands between every single test, and following all the guidelines on donning and doffing your equipment will keep all of us safe and healthy, now and into the future.

Occupational Health and Safety Committees Must be Involved in this Restart

We have been advised that ICBC’s plan has been approved by WorkSafe BC and the provincial government.  As your advocates, we have reminded ICBC that PPE is the last step in the hierarchy of controls and that all other steps must be examined and resolved before PPEs are considered.

If you are on a Joint Worksite Occupational Health and Safety Committee (OH&S), you and your fellow committee members must review the hierarchy of controls and ICBC’s plan to restart road tests. You will also need to ensure that all the necessary steps, along with proper PPE usage and storage, have been discussed, and problems rectified, prior to the launch of road tests in your office. As Worker Representatives at DLOs, we need you to be active leaders, now more than ever. We need you to be involved in ensuring all staff have received their training on the donning, doffing and safe use of the PPE and to make sure everyone is following all safety precautions.

We suggest that each site committee meet between now and next Tuesday to critically review ICBC’s plan and how it fits with the needs of your specific worksite. If you require assistance, or have questions on how you and your committee can be most effective, you can contact Niki Schnurr, MoveUP’s OH&S Liaison at nschnurr@moveuptogether.ca .

We hope that every Driver Examiner, Supervisor, and Instructor will make time next Tuesday evening to join us on our webinar.

Please stay safe.

In solidarity,

Annette Toth, Vice President, ICBC Unit
Kevin Smyth, Senior Union Representative
Melissa Maher, Executive Board Member

File Number: 20-ICBC-BLTN-Reminder Webinar Bulletin -June 16
Union Label: AT, KS, MM: hp usw2009


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