ICBC OH&S Survey Results Driver Examiners I, II and Supervisor Driver Examiners
January 11, 2018
To: All Driver Examiners and Supervisor Driver Examiners
Last December, MoveUP launched a survey of Driver Examiners and Supervisor Driver Examiners. As you know, we were hearing some disturbing reports about your health and safety and wanted to get more details. Here is a summary of the results:
- 72% have been verbally or physically abused by customers or business partners at least once in the last 12 months. Of those who reported abuse, more than 40% have been subjected to abuse at least once a month and over half experience it weekly.
- 77% have encountered biological hazards while working. The most common encounters were animal hair, food waste and second-hand smoke.
- 28% have been directed to conduct road tests or travel to locations to conduct road tests in what could be described as unsafe conditions. Snow and ice-covered roads were the two most commonly encountered unsafe road conditions.
Clearly, we have a lot of work to do and I am keen to get started. MoveUP has already asked ICBC to implement signage at every location that reminds customers that verbal abuse won’t be tolerated. As well, we have asked that they implement a similar message on all incoming phone calls.
Abuse from customers is not part of the job. If you are experiencing any form of abusive treatment from a customer, please report it to you supervisor, manager and your local MoveUP Job Steward.
CBC Vancouver picked up this story and reported some of the findings of our survey. I have attached the link to the survey results and the news report.
In solidarity,
Annette Toth